Beach Colada Wine Specialty $4.99 @ Aldi

The last time that I’ve had something at Aldi, namely the Shinzo Junmai Sake, I wasn’t very impressed and came away with a “Eh” feeling out of it. I saw this new bottle of ready-made cocktail and having had a relatively positive positive experience with their other ready-made cocktails so far like the margarita and orange mimosa one’s, I decided to give this one a shot.


MGTOW Don’t Be Superman GYOW Bottle Opener W/ Built-In Flameless Cigarette Lighter

It was priced at $4.99 and that should have been the tip off but I wanted to give it a fair review. I actually taste-tested this once when I first bought it and came away with a “wow, this actually tastes good” first impressions. That was on the first few sips but after a little while, the taste becomes numb and dull. Quite literally, the only thing you taste after the first few initial “WOW” impacts on the palette is a consistent cough syrupy texture that’s unusually sweet and smothering. While I wasn’t expecting much from a $5 alcoholic mixed beverage, I was kind of expecting a bit more considering that Aldi’s track record of sub-$10 booze has been predominantly positive. This one just happens to fall by the way side like the junmai sake I had recently.


MGTOW Umbrella Against The Starts Bottle Opener W/ Built-In Flameless Cigarette Lighter

If I had to liken this to another beverage of a similar quality, texture, and flavor profile, I’d liken it to Kikkoman Plum Wine. It has that sort of sickly uber sweet texture and it can be overwhelming after some time, that is, if you don’t have a sweet tooth like me. This beverage is best served chilled because at room temperature, it just doesn’t taste right. If anything, the alcohol smell and taste is more apparent at room temperature than when chilled. If you can’t chill it, add some ice. It’ll curb the uber sweet taste by a bit.

MGTOW Fairytale Endings Aren’t Real Bottle Opener W/ Built-In Flameless Cigarette Lighter

Personally, I’m more accustomed to pina colada cocktails as leaning more on the watery end of the spectrum. This is not that. It seems like this isn’t meant to be drunk on its own but the bottle itself says it’s a wine specialty beverage which implies that it can be drunk all on its own. One thing to note is that despite the thick cough syrupy texture, you’ll still taste the burning sensation of cheap alcohol in the finish and on the roof of your mouth. I guess the 14% ABV on the label explains why that is.  And now that I think about it, this might actually taste better and at the right consistency when blended with ice because the ice is what curbs most of the less savory aspects of this beverage and having it in a constant mix with said beverage would probably eliminate most, if not all, of its negative sides.


MGTOW Rainbow Wall of Active Indifference Bottle Opener W/ Built-In Flameless Cigarette Lighter

All in all, it’s okay but I’d recommend that you blend it with ice or mix it with something else to make it a little less thick in the mouth-feel.

MGTOW T-Shirt – His Cock, His Choice


5 thoughts on “Beach Colada Wine Specialty $4.99 @ Aldi

  1. I actually like the Beach colada…..I get a large glass full of ice, pour it in add some maraschino cherries and a dash of juice….mmmmmm I look forward to it every summer. I wish they had it all year round! !


  2. I put this in the blender with pineapple juice, some frozen pineapple, ice and it is terrific!!! Just can’t find it anymore. Too bad, I would buy bunches!!!


    • Hi Sharon,

      Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m glad to hear that you like putting this in a blender with some frozen pineapple, pineapple juice and some ice. I think these are seasonal beverages but then again, if you travel out to another Aldi, you might just be able to find it at another store like I have.

      Not sure where you live but in SoCal, there are quite a few of them in the South Land, surprisingly, so if I can’t find something in one store, say, the local one that I usually go, and if I really wanted to stock up on something, I’d drive further out to a different store to see if the farther store has it, and maybe 7 of 10 tries, I’d find it at the farther store.

      Or, you can try ordering it online via Instacart for pickup. Though to be fair, ordering online, for whatever reason, the prices seem to be a bit higher, like a good $1 to $2 higher than if you were to physically go into a store to buy it. Just something to take note of.

      Anyway, thanks again for visiting my blog! I hope you’ll bookmark it, share it with your friends and family, and come back soon as I’ll be having new content released every week! Cheers!


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